The majority of our parents have managed to settle themselves comfortably, yet we are stuck in a rut, the only safe place to be seems to be in education, either school or sixth form college, perhaps university - but that carries the load of thousands of pounds worth of debt and a degree that doesn't even guarantee you a job.
As my parents discuss ‘the good old days’, I actually wish I lived then. Although the world is a more open minded place and much fairer than then, at least you could leave school without even having to attend college or university and there would be jobs waiting for you.
The average age for someone to own their own place (don’t forget the ongoing mortgage) is around 35. Our kids will be stuck at home, on unemployment benefits, getting overweight from cheap junk food, is this we really want for our future?
The news has becoming such a gloomy and depressing feature in our lives as we switch on the TV, at 7.30am, sleep still in our eyes, hair sticking up, having to face yet another long day at work.
It’s getting to a point that thousands of people are applying for a post for say 100 jobs. Is this population overload or is this the government seriously lacking control and intelligence?
Maybe we should limit every parent to just having one child, try and decrease the ever-growing population, because quite frankly - with no jobs around, is it worth bringing another person into the world who will just one day be sat at home on unemployment benefits like the rest of us?
Yesterday a letter came through my door. The government are making water meters compulsory. It is due to the ever-growing population, so therefore a growing demand for water. Instead of paying monthly and either using lots of water or very little, you will now pay for each drop you use, which - if you live in a large family, is bad news, and if you live say by yourself and use very little, is good news.
Water is scarce, jobs are scarce, and human beings are so so far from scarce.
I can hear you cursing at me as I drill you with these harsh opinions, but the truth is - humans want to feel special, and that’s why when you go to a huge city such as London, swarming with different people, different types of people, fat, thin, black, white, tall, small, gay, straight, you feel horribly insignificant as you realise quite shockingly how many billions of people there really are on this little planet.
It’s a small world. And we are filling it on a daily basis with more people. That’s natural, I hear you say, we were designed to reproduce. However there are various types of animals that once they start to overpopulate either contract a deadly disease to wipe half of them out, or they simply cannot conceive for a while, until the population dies down.
We have evolved so much, taken over the planet. We are now doing so many unnatural things, scientific experiments, such as cloning, IVF, artificial insemination, mixing certain types of animals or foods together to create a different outcome, so surely, at such an advanced stage we are intelligent enough to realise that enough is enough? It is getting serious. Maybe the lack of jobs is due to the population overload and not the credit crunch, recession, depression, economical downfall, global meltdown or whatever you want to call it.
I’m no politician, nor a scientist, I admit that, and these are at the end of the day my own opinions, but surely some of it makes sense?
Doesn’t it?
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