Friday, 17 May 2013

Article on When Sally Met Sally: Lesbian schoolgirl challenges anti-gay MP David Burrowes

We've been very impressed today by an A level student called Victoria Munro.
Victoria (17) from Southern England, who identifies as a lesbian, has challenged an MP on his claim that he's not anti-gay even though he has voted against equal rights for LGBT people on numerous occasions. 
She wrote to Enfield-Southgate MP David Burrows after he stated that he is “pro-marriage and not anti-gay” and that the majority of his constituents agree with him in opposing the same-sex marriage bill.
In her letter she questioned Burrowes’ voting record on LGBT issues, and said that his actions suggests that he is anti-gay, and questions how he can say he is “pro-marriage” if he wants to exclude a sector of society from the institution.
Here's her letter, as published in Pink News today: 
Dear David
I recently read this article on PinkNews’ website.
I just wanted to explain a few things to you. Having looked at your voting record since you entered parliament in 2005 I would conclude that you are very anti gay, having voted/or not voted: 
- against outlawing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in 2007
- to prevent lesbians from having access to fertility treatment in 2008
- against outlawing incitement to homophobic hatred in 2009
- doesn’t appear to have voted on the Equality Act (which consolidated and extended the various bits of legislation on discrimination) in 2010
- against same-sex marriage in 2013
So you don’t want LGBT people to be able to get married or have children and you think discrimination against them is fine but you are still somewhat not ‘anti-gay’?
I am 17 and I identify as lesbian. I am one of the future generation. I believe everyone should be allowed to marry if they desire to, including the LGBT community. How is their love any less deserving or real than straight people’s? The only thing that undermines marriage is divorce, something straight people seem to be very good at.
I would be extremely happy if you could explain to me how you believe you are not anti-gay.
Another thing: don’t ever say you are not anti-gay just pro-marriage without really thinking about it. Pro-marriage means you believe in marriage and want as many people as possible to participate in it; so how is excluding a whole group of people from the marital institution pro-marriage?
I hope you take my points and views into account, as I may be just a 17-year-old-girl but I am someone and my opinion is valid, even if I am a ‘second-class, non-superior, gay person’.
Thank You
Kind Regards
Victoria Munro
A-Level student from Southern England
David Burrowes appeared on BBC 2’s Daily Politics and called for a referendum on same-sex marriage. Earlier this week he warned that the same-sex marriage bill resembles the shark in the 1970s thriller movie, Jaws.
The House of Commons will debate the bill as part of its third reading from next Monday.
Victoria Munro is already an active writer and LGBT activist. She has already published two books: Kiss Chase (for 15+ readers) which tells the story of a young lesbian coming to terms with her sexuality after the sudden death of her mother; and Silver Lining (a story for 11+ readers). 
In an interview with the Daily Echo, she described how she was bullied at school because of her sexuality and once even tried to take an overdose. But she "overpowered" the bullying with a "tremendous sense of standing up for herself and others' rights", and set up an online support group and wrote a book.
After school, Victoria plans to study English and creative writing at university. 
Well done Victoria! We have a feeling we're going to be hearing a lot more from her in future! 
Check out Victoria's website HERE 
Article from When Sally Met Sally on 15 May 2013

1 comment:

  1. Well done for standing up against lying, homophobic politicians. They deserve everything they get.
