Saturday, 11 May 2013

Religion Versus Homosexuality

It seems that people think if you are religious you can't support homosexuals and if you are homosexual you can't be religious but that is not the case.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination".
 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals".
The Bible may quote that 'being gay is wrong' but it also quotes that you should not work on a Sunday, eat shellfish, have a haircut or get divorced.
The term 'homosexual' didn't even mean someone who was attracted to someone of the same sex when quoted in the bible.

Besides if you're going to take the bits about being homosexual is a sin literally then you have to take the love, tolerance and acceptance literally.

If God made everyone then God made gay people too - and if he loves everyone then he loves gay people as well.
Why are we more upset at two men holding hands than guns? God would have more things to be angry about such as murder, rape, child abuse, poverty and genocide than two women kissing.
Why would a god be anti-love? There's enough hate in this would so if two men want to get married why can't we just let them?

You can be gay and religious. Many people are. 
I was Christened and as a child I was very Christian in my beliefs but now aged 17 I am a complete atheist. I do have some faith; it is just in the form of fate, karma and soulmate beliefs etc.
The sad thing is; anti-gay religious beliefs are what pushed me away from religion. It was not only that - I started to doubt any form of deity and I questioned: why would God let bad things happen? Especially to good people.
It seems that religion is just here because we are scared of how we came to be and what happens after we die. When a loved one dies we both become angry and question why God would allow this to happen but also picture our loved one up in heaven.
I don't believe in life after death; heaven, hell, reincarnation, any of it.
I believe you should live this life to the full, not dwell on your post-death existence...

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