Thursday, 9 May 2013

Should Straight People Be Allowed In Gay Bars?

Video from YouTube: Straight people in gay bars.

Should straight people be allowed in gay bars? I don't know. I know I am campaigning for equality and everything; but there is still not equality between heterosexual and homosexual people. If gays were allowed to make out and dance together in straight bars and clubs, I wouldn't have a problem with straight people doing the same in gay bars/clubs, but gay people are often harassed and discriminated against if they show public displays of affection in the majority of mainstream bars and clubs.

In the ideal world there would not even be gay bars and straight bars, just bars for people. But at the moment I do feel that gay people should be allowed to be themselves in gay bars without having straight people showing PDA around them...say what you will, call me a heterophobe or 'straight-basher'. Yes, equality is what I want, but as we don't have it, can't we be allowed our own space at the moment? Besides, what do straight people want to be in gay bars for anyway? 
This debate is a bit like the marriage debate. Straight people can get married and gay people can have a civil partnership, but they do not cross over. It would be easier if we could all marry or all have civil partnerships as it would not be separated out, the name of 'marriage' would not be different and to be honest it'd be a hell of a lot easier when filling out forms to all be able to tick the same box. 
Anyway, back to the point - straight people in gay bars, what do you think? Why don't you comment below with your opinions!

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