1. "You don't look gay"
Were you expecting something like this?

Source: thatneedstogo.tumblr.com
6. "I'm just worried that if I'm friends with you, people will think I'm gay too..."

Source: primroselollie.tumblr.com
13. "You're probably just doing it to get attention from men."
Nope, that was Katy Perry.

Source: grrrlfever.tumblr.com
15. "You're not a real lesbian if you don't do XYZ."
Thanks for your expert opinion, though!

Source: Getty
16. "I'm into women. I guess that makes me a lesbian too heh heh." —some dude

Source: funnierthanjesus.tumblr.com
20. "[Insert anything here, really. People just feel compelled to say anything to you.]"
!["[Insert anything here, really. People just feel compelled to say anything to you.]"](http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/2/28/14/enhanced-buzz-10919-1362080912-0.jpg)
Art by Chaoslife
Source: chaoslife.findchaos.com
From BuzzFeed: LGBT: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/20-things-lesbians-are-tired-of-hearing
Don't forget "Do you like anyone I know?"