Every Day
Every day
The world awakes
A billion people
Continue their lives
Every day
Someone dies
If you listen carefully
You’ll hear their cries
Every day
A baby is born
Given a name
As they sleep and yawn
Every day
A child is bullied
Scared and alone
He sobs on the floor
Every day
Two people get married
Declare their love
And walk up the aisle
Every day
A mother is beaten
By her husband
Who she once trusted and loved
Every day
Someone’s wishes are broken
As they break down
On a cold stone step
Every day
Is someone’s bad day
Their life won’t go right
They feel useless and worthless
Every day
Is the greatest day of someone’s lives
They go to bed happy
And smile as they sleep
Every day
Someone’s heart is broken
Its’ torn in two
As they watch their partner walk away
Every day
Someone goes on a date
Keeping their eye on the time
They don’t want to be late
Every day
Is someone’s last day in this world
But if they knew that
They might live it differently
Every day
Someone is diagnosed
With a terminal illness
They sink to the floor
In a puddle of a fear
Every day
Someone has their first kiss
They dance home in a trance
Replay that moment
A thousand times in their mind
Every day
Good rules out the bad
Evil defeats the glory
Pain and love collide
Every day
Death consumes another innocent person
And a tiny baby is wrapped in a
Every day
Certain things happen
The dice of fate
Lands on each of us
It determines our futures
And alters our lives
Decides who to kill
And lets the rest survive
Every day
A new adventure starts
A story is told
As the day evolves
Every day
The sun shines
And a billion people
Live their lives.
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