Wednesday 3 July 2013


Abortion is a very sensitive subject.
Some people believe it is wrong, it is the killing of human life, and it is murder. These people are pro-life.
Other people believe it is okay to abort a foetus, that it is after all just a foetus, not yet a baby. These people are pro-choice.
I am pro-choice, yet I'm not okay with it.
I think abortion is very sad. The killing of cells that have the potential to lead to human life, however it is sometimes necessary.
For example: when a woman has been raped, it is morally wrong to make her keep the baby. After all, when she sees the baby's face, won't it just remind her of her attacker?
When teenagers fall pregnant irresponsibly, I believe abortion is necessary. The baby may not have a very good quality life living with a mother who has not got her life sorted out (however it may have a perfectly good life).
Although contraception is necessary and there are almost no excuses, with the wide range of contraception around these days, to fall pregnant.
Abortion should not be done swiftly and without thought. It is a sensitive and emotional subject. It is not killing of life, just destroying the possibility of life.
There should, and is, a limit on when a woman can have an abortion. After a certain amount of time the foetus is a baby and then an abortion should not be carried out, as this is plain murder.
But when the 'baby' is just a mass of cells, I do not believe this is murder.
Women should have the right to their own body and their own decisions. Abortion is a personal choice, not the killing of life. But choose wisely, as you are still destroying the potential for life. I am pro-choice but I do not wish to promote or glorify abortion in any shape or form.

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