Dear Caroline,
I am writing in regards to the fact that you have been elected to become Equalities Minister.
Firstly I would like to offer my congratulations.
However, I am rather dismayed as to why you have been appointed Equalities Minister considering you voted against same-sex marriage in July 2013. You (and I quote) said that the "state has no right to intervene in such matters" and to ''redefine the meaning of marriage'' and that banning same sex marriage would “take nothing away from their (gay couples') relationships”.
You also said that marriage should be ''between one man and one woman'' and that you were "concerned that in the future, teachers may be forced to teach civil partnership and gay marriage whether it’s in their religious belief to do so or not. It seems that in some ways we’re marginalising some people’s religious freedom in favour of sexual freedom.”
I find it hard to believe that you can want equality for everyone, including gay people, after the statements you have made. Same-sex marriage has been legalised anyway but I, as a gay woman myself, feel uncomfortable that you are going to be in charge of equality policies considering you seem so very homophobic.
In regards to you thinking it unfair that religious teachers would have to teach about civil partnerships and gay marriage, I would say that 'religious freedom' is a choice. People are not born Christian, Catholic, Muslim or Atheist but they are born gay. Being gay is not having 'sexual freedom', it is being yourself, just like being straight is not 'sexual freedom'. I think that religious teachers should have to teach about gay marriage whether they like it or not because if they really don't like gay marriage that much, well they don't have to have one do they?!
I find it so ironic that you have now tweeted "I want to be clear - I support equal marriage & I'm fully committed to advancing the cause of LGBT equality moving forward". You have to say this now because you are Equalities Minister and we can't have a homophobic Equalities Minister can we? Oh wait, we do!
It suits you fine to stand up and say that you support equal marriage now that you have this new title, but two years ago when gay people's futures and happiness was in your, and many other's hands, you chose to let them down and vote against same-sex marriage.
I would most appreciate if you could find the time to reply to this email as I am most interested in what you have to say.
Thank you and kind regards,
Tori Munro
(English Student at Chichester University, gay rights campaigner and writer)