Wednesday, 3 May 2017

The Borderline Legacy

This is quite a negative post but a lot of people I know with BPD, including myself either don't drive or have a job or both. I wondered why this was. Is it because of our childlike mindsets? Our inability to regulate our emotions or our constant fear of abandonment?
In my self-help group, out of about 10 people only one person had a full time job and drove. One person had a job but didn't drive. I know people in their thirties, still living at home unable to drive. 
I fear that I will become this legacy. I am holding down a job, just about, at the moment but the thought of driving lessons makes me want to run a mile. And I live alone, but in my dad's flat so I always have a parent available if needed and barely pay any bills. I have it quite easy some would say, but I disagree. No-one with Borderline Personality Disorder has it easy.
I am scared of becoming jobless, relying on benefits, alone, unable to drive and look after myself. 
Is this fear irrational? I don't think so. 
I found this quote which is quite derogatory but holds some truth:

The boss gets painted black as soon as he says something the BPD doesn't like. The interpersonal relationships with coworkers go south. The BPD acts impulsively, not considering how their actions may affect their job performance. They are often involved in substance abuse. They don't care about money until they spend it all and need some.

This is somewhat true for SOME people with BPD but not everyone. I've been in the position of the boss being painted black, relationships with colleagues becoming damaged and acting impulsively by resigning. But not so much the rest of it.
I still wonder, why people with BPD seem to be one step behind the rest of the population. Is it their legacy? 

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